Wednesday 2 May 2007

Stuff Happens (Shit Just Smells)

Hello again!

I have a job interview tomorrow in Melbourne City. That is all...

Just kidding, this time it's for a data entry position in Richmond with a legal firm... Hmm, its FULL TIME! High five to me if I get it!

Peace out and l8r...

Tuesday 24 April 2007

The Day The Music Died

Howdy blog readers and friends of mine.

I have decided to remove the music player. Some the songs do not sound too good played through it. Such is life, and I thought that since music is the food of love, it should not be played at sub-par quality.

Also, I have discontinued the creation of the Wicked MTG Set. I will concentrate on the Neurotically Yours set for now, one set is enough work at the moment. I have Uni work to do as well, which I keep putting of until two days before its due. :S

And no, I still don't have a job. *Cries* It's really getting me down lately, the company I had an interview with still hasn't got back to me on whether I got the job, I'll wait another week or two before I hound them for an answer.


Friday 30 March 2007

Silent (But Deadly, For You)

Brad's silence has pissed me off to no extent now! I honestly don't give a rat's ass what he does and when he does it, it is just like to know these things, in case something happens to him. I care about him... if I wanted complete solitude and lack of communciation, I would have moved to the Deakin campus rather than in with him.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I got so pissed off with him today, I wacked him right in the nose not long after he got home. He bloody deserved it too! I don't care if I broke his glasses! I had more communication with my previous housemates, despite me walking straight into my room after work most days.

I really don't want to talk to him at all at this point in time, if he wants silence, silence is what he'll get!

Wednesday 28 March 2007

Yippee, Yahoo, Yay and many other words beginning with Y!

Well folks, I got a call from the Southland branch of the computer at about 7:30pm tonight!!! I have an interview there next Monday!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111ONE

Anyway, wish me luck, I am really hoping that I get the job, regardless of the 2 hour trip each way... It's in a computer store, a dream job!

I think I am overexcited here, but NOT CARING! I have the chance to work in a computer store fixing computers. Yippee!

*Skulls down 1 litre of Coke* - I best leave the entry at this, who knows what else I may babble on about after dtinking Coke...


Monday 26 March 2007

Lord, Unbind My Feet...

I appear to be trapped in unemployment at least until I finish my University course. I had no luck getting hold of the manager of the computer store today, so I sent him an email. I am hoping he replies sometime tomorrow, this is getting really anxious.

No-one can afford to do anything on Centrelink benefits and it is not exactly easy to find a job around here. I must have applied for at least 60 jobs by now and not a single interview at the least. I would be ecstatic just to reach that point for the time being. I am surprised I am still surviving here in Melbourne.

"Lord, unbind my feet. Let me mingle with the good people we meet..." - The Cat Empire, The Crowd.

Don't expect good news regarding the job I am chasing up, I certainly haven't got my hopes up about it. I would love the job, but I feel that leaving it too late to chase it up has severely lessened my chances of landing it. Like I said last post, I'll make sure to keep you informed.

"Lord unchain my hands,
Let me sing inside the crowded trams,
Let me dance among the traffic jams..." - The Cat Empire, The Crowd.

Until I blog again, may your feet be unbound and allowed to wonder the streets at will.

Saturday 24 March 2007

Ow, My Mind! The Stupidity Hurts!

Well, I'm slightly over the whole non-repsonsive employers deal. I'm still peeved, but I won't rant it about it anymore. Now my attention has turned to my stupidity regarding a job prospect I applied for in February. I guess I better explain it first.

On February 8 I applied for a job in a computer store in Geelong as a Salesman and/or Technician, either full-time or part-time, whatever they would give (I can't be picky at this point in time). After not hearing anything for about a week, I emailed on the 14th and got a call on the 16th from them. The man I need to contact said he would short list me for interviews.

Well, five weeks later, I have had no contact from the store, so I called them today. The man was not in store, but the lady that answered the phone was unsure on whether they were still looking for people. This made me think that I was waited to long to keeep on top of the situation. OW, MY STUPIDITY MIGHT HAVE COST ME MY PERFECT JOB!!!

Anyway, I'll call again on Monday morning and let you know how it went. Don't expect good news, because I'm not expecting anything but "Sorry, we have already held the interviews." or bad news to that effect.

I also have a Vampire Freaks journal, I got really bored yesterday. It's @ , enjoy. If you didn't notice there's a new song playing, enjoy that too.

Tuesday 20 March 2007

I'm Sick of the Lack of Respect!

OK! I am used to being rejected for jobs over and over again, I can understand if i don't exactly meet their criteria. I don't mind being told that I didn't get the job, I actually prefer if they do tell me.

This is what really pisses me off! I get a reply from about 2% of all job applications I apply for! It really gets on my nerves after a while considering I have applied for over 50 jobs and have heard back from only 4 employers!!!!!

As Joel Turner and the Modern Day Poets would say:

"Yo, I'm sick of the lack of respect that I get,
from these cats who think that they pose as a threat,
but they don't even know me,
yet they try and put me to the test,
thinking their on top of me, 'cause they got a bigger chest,
but I just sit back and let them guess,
half of wondering what I can do to them next,
they don't know what to expect,
I'm telling you now, it's not about success,
It's a fact we've all been blessed from the man upstairs,
but nobody cares, these people so quick to judge... some dudes are heartless.

It's time that some people started to show a little respect,
We all love it but we all represent,
We only have one life and we should live it to the end,
We should all have the opportunity to do our best."

I believe that song peferctly describes what I am feeling at the moment. For God's sakes, if you expect people looking for jobs to send you a fancy resume or CV as well as a cover letter and a reasonably long description on why we think we are good for the job, then I should think that you should at least take the time to send even the simplest of replies letting the unsuccessful applicants, know that they are unsucessful. It shouldn't bloody matter that they have already realised from the lack of response after the application closing date.

We are people you know, and we do have feelings (at least I know I do anyway). It would nice and respectful towards us if we got a reply from you stating why we didn't get the job. It may help our chances of getting our next job. We should not have to chase it up and find out by contacting you. It only takes a few minutes to set up an email template, if that's how you respond to applicants, or even print out some letters to post out. It is nice to know that our application was even looked at, let alone have been considered.

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! I am so angry, I added music to my blog and it's a temporary version of the player! It will updated later!